The Siam Kubota Metal Technology Co., Ltd. is owned by SKT(Siam Kubota TractorCo.,Ltd.) , that is a joint venture between The Siam Cement Pcl. and Kubota Corporation Japan. With the development of agricultural business because of increasing mechanization of agriculture in Thailand, Siam Kubota Group raise attention, expectations, and needs. And SKMT is established that provide the casting parts of tractors and engines timely to deliver the tractors better, sooner and more reasonable price to Thai farmers. SKMT produces big and highly-accurate casting parts like ENGINE BLOCK and MISSION CASE, which is core of tractors and engines. We try to make use of the highly casting technique in Thailand which has been cultivated over 100 years in KUBOTA, Japanese major agricultural manufacturer. Then, overcoming the global food crisis, developing Thai agriculture and contributing to a better quality of life for Thai farmers, must be able to be achieved. Statement We shall strive to continuously develop our personnel to stride towards becoming an innovative company and a leader in foundry industry for agricultural machinery in the ASEAN region. SKMT is committed to enhancing the knowledge and capabilities of its employees as well as instilling a sense of being part of an innovative company so they can rise to the challenge of an ever-changing business climate. SKMT is also dedicated to developing new products and expanding its market in striding forward towards becoming a leader in the international foundry industry for agricultural machinery. HR Policy SKMT attracts and selects the top talent with high motivation in every operating location by offering competitive compensation and generous, comprehensive benefits, such as vacation allowances, hospitalization, provident funds, group accident insurance, among others. We train technology and knowledge to employees. In addition, develop them as qualified company employees, so we must develop into excellent company.