Electronic Transactions Development Agency  (ETDA)

Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA)

สำนักงานพัฒนาธุรกรรมทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (สพธอ.)

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Company reviews
Build A Better Digital Life Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), one of the organizations in the era of disruptive technology, playing a crucial role in driving the Thai economy and society towards a digital economy and society where all sectors can securely and confidently conduct trusted online transactions. The transformation of people's lifestyles necessitates the existence of agencies or organizations designed to promote and regulate these services in the digital world. These organizations ensure reliable and secure standards, known as digital governance, that enable the economy and society to grow and keep pace with the rapid global changes. Key missions include overseeing digital services, promoting and supporting electronic transactions, and collaborating with all sectors to comprehensively and cohesively advance electronic transactions. ETDA is actively recruiting new team members who are enthusiastic to continuously learn, self-develop, and adapt quickly. We believe that they will become essential support for the country's future.
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