Technology at work for you
At PP Ontime, we are market leaders in designing and implementing large‐scale and medium‐scale network architectures and systems. Our Networking and Telecommunications Team Members We have been building large‐scale and medium‐scale networks since our conception and our team includes experts who have not only being building networks and systems within Thailand only but also in many international countries. Our solution architects and engineers have the highest level of qualifications and professional certifications supplemented by a thorough knowledge of Systems and Security. During our experience with large‐scale and medium‐scale networks we have tackled and solved every type of challenge.
Business Vision
PP ONTIME has a very crystal clear VISION to become a LEADER in the areas of Outsourcing, Networking, Telecommunications, Wireless and Information Security Management Solutions in Thailand coupled with the GOAL to become one of the fastest growing technology companies in Thailand and get listed in the Thailand Stock Exchange by the year 2010 thereby bringing value to our shareholders and employees who are constantly thriving and putting maximum thrust to make this long‐term vision into Reality