Productivity Improvement Engineering (โรงงานปราจีนบุรี)
Berli Jucker Cellox Limited• Bachelor’s Industrial Engineering or Production Engineer
• Experience 0-5 years
• Able to analysis and solve problem
- กระดาษสวัสดิการ
- Provident Fund
- Staff training and development
- ค่าอาหาร
- Social security
- รถรับส่งพนักงาน
- สหกรณ์ออมทรัพย์
- Employee's uniform
- Annual trip or party

We are the leading tissue manufacturer with high quality standard. Our products cover categories; toilet tissue, facial tissue, napkin and towel which are manufactured by using the latest technology under own brand of "Cellox", "Zilk", "Dion", "Belle", "Maxmo" and also under customers’ brands.
We are fully committed to produce the best quality of products and services with responsibilities to serve overall customers both domestic and international markets. We are looking for