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Dream Company
Electric Harness Design EngineerISUZU Technical Center of Asia Co., Ltd.
30,000 - 60,000 baht/month
2 - 5 Year
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Dream Company
Chassis Parts Design EngineerISUZU Technical Center of Asia Co., Ltd.
25,000 - 60,000 baht/month
0 - 10 Year
Bangkok and its Vicinity
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Dream Company
Control System EngineerISUZU Technical Center of Asia Co., Ltd.
30,000 - 80,000 baht/month
0 - 10 Year
Bangkok and its Vicinity
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Dream Company
Clay ModellerISUZU Technical Center of Asia Co., Ltd.
25,000 - 40,000 baht/month
0 - 5 Year
Bachelor's Degree
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