Job descriptions;
1. Medical services and primary medical care are
1.1 Care of medication
1.1.1 Regular medication with prescription or given by parents
(with no contraindication of the student’s health)
1.1.2 Primary medical care
1.2 Treatment
1.2.1 First aid and emergency care
1.2.2 Continuing treatment to improve health condition
1.2.3 Promote good health
1.2.4 Prevention
1.3 Database record
1.3.1 Record students’ health information in iSAMS.
1.3.2 Record “Nursing Implementation” (Nursing care) in iSAMS. 1.3.3 “Nursing Monthly / Yearly Report” analysis, planning, and Implementation (under supervision by Head Nurse)
1.4 Reports
1.4.1 Nurse permission slip to class teacher and / or parents
1.4.2 Report to house parents in case of seeing doctor (in house or hospital)
1.4.3 Nursing Monthly report to Service manager, Head of Primary and Secondary School, Head master, and School manager
(under supervision by Head Nurse)
2. Medical supply, Illegal drug test kit supply
3. Arrange the In house doctor service (OPD Infirmary)
4. Annually “Well Child” Health Check for students
5. Medical supports for school activities
6. Participating in First aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training for teachers, teaching assistants, and relevant staff
7. Participating in department data collection, analysis and planning 8. Participating in health promotion projects
9. Participating in illegal drug test, Health education, Refectory sanitation and auditing
1. Health education (for student/teachers/staff)
2. Health promotion projects
3. CPR and first -aid training coordinator